The Effective Data Presentation Quick Start Mini-Course
14 powerful and easy-to-implement data presentation techniques that will make a big impact on your results, fast.
What’s at the root of the boring data presentation epidemic
Learn to be your AUDIENCE to build a needs-based presentation
How to craft recommendations that inspire ACTION
POP QUIZ: Test out your new presentation planning knowledge!
The key to presentation simplicity is cutting the clutter
Why bullet points are killing your presentation (and what to use instead)
The Do's and Doh-n'ts of using presentation imagery
Introducing the PICA Protocol Prescription™
Understand the PURPOSE of your viz and choose the right chart
FREE PREVIEWBest practices for data design AESTHETICS
Decluttering your data viz using the Chart Detox Formula (bar chart)
How you'll defeat the Four Dark Horsemen of the Present-pocalypse
3 annoying speech patterns to listen for and refine
Take your data presentation impact to the next level